Friday, August 21, 2015


As the days start to get a bit cooler and the start of school gets closer and closer (two and a half more weeks until I start my sophomore year of college, woohoo!), I'm getting impatient for three things: starting school (yes, I'm a nerd), Halloween, and Marvel's Jessica Jones. Sure, we're getting Arrow and The Flash at the start of October and Agents of SHIELD the week before, but I'm mostly excited about Daredevil's sister series. Not only is it the follow-up to the crazy awesome kick-butt crime drama superhero show that made me start reading comics again, but it has some amazing cast members, most notably for me being Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones and David Tennant as Kilgrave.

First, Krysten Ritter. I've never seen B-- in Apartment 23, but I immediately loved her character and her acting in Breaking Bad as the talented artist with an "I don't give a crap about much" exterior but a more complex and tortured interior as the episodes progress. It's this kind of attitude that I think will fit very well with Jessica Jones. I haven't read Alias, but I've read enough on other blogs and on Wikipedia to get the gist of the character and her personality/motivations. Seems like a perfect fit to me.

As a former Doctor Who fan (I stopped watching the show recently, I blame Moffat), I absolutely LOVE David Tennant's acting. He's got so many layers to work with. Plus, he's got great hair. As for Kilgrave, I've read enough Daredevil comics to know about the Purple Man. He's probably my favorite Daredevil villain from volume 1 so far (I haven't gotten to the biggies like Bullseye or Kingpin yet), simply because of his superhuman ability to manipulate the people around him. It's such a cool ability and the fact that it can be so pervasive as to cause someone to quit the superhero game with a bad case of PTSD (again, Wikipedia is a wonder) is terrifying to think about.

As we get closer to the Jessica Jones release date (probably sometime in November), I'll be posting either a couple more Jessica Jones anticipation posts or some Daredevil rewatch posts to get me in the Defenders mood. Since I doubt anyone is reading this besides me, I'll just post whatever I feel like posting and maybe add some fan art I think is cool. I don't know. I'm still figuring out this blogging thing.

Stay tuned for my FIRST watch of Constantine as I prepare for his guest appearance on Arrow!

Obligatory Introduction

Hello, everyone! And by everyone I mean no one, since this is my first blog post and I just created this blog this morning. If you are reading this right now, you have either stumbled upon an obscure blog post in the corner of the internet or I have somehow become internet famous. 

My name is Suzanne and I am in love with superheroes. I always have been, but my obsession has grown so much over the past year that I decided I should probably create a blog to release all my emotions rather than cornering my friends (or more likely, my mom) and forcing them to listen while I rant about the newest re-casting of Spiderman or the mythos behind the Speed Force or who I'd like to see in the next Avengers movie. 

This is definitely going to be an interesting experiment for me. A lot of times I talk like I'm super knowledgable about everything comics, but the truth is, I've barely read any real comics at all and rely instead on movies, TV shows, and a lot of wikipedia pages. As this blog progresses, I'll be posting reviews on shows and movies, and possibly talking about the comics as I begin reading more of them (so far I've only read a few Spiderman comics and the first 80 or so Daredevil comics in volume 1). I'll be sticking with DC and Marvel because there is just so much I don't know about both that I won't have time to branch out.

I'm excited to see where this takes me!